About Me


I’ve been writing in one form or another since I was a kid, starting with crayons and construction paper. Sci-fi sparked my imagination, and I began writing short stories (and sometimes bad poetry). In college, a class on climate change captured my attention and launched both a serious dive into creative writing and a career in journalism, which took me from Wisconsin to Maine and California and back.

In 2010, I earned a Master of Fine Arts degree from Goddard College with an emphasis on post-apocalyptic fiction. Since then, my creative work has developed mainly under the umbrella of sci-fi, speculative fiction, cli-fi and gothic fiction. 

I like moody settings and the liminal space between literary and genre fiction. I love the conjuring process of writing, the magic of watching a story spin from just a few simple words or phrases, and I’m enchanted by how stories manifest for each writer. I enjoy helping other people find their own creative magic, too, and recently launched the Eyes on Imagination blog to share the stories of creative people, their processes, and how they make room to make art in a sometimes difficult world.

When I’m not writing fiction, I work as a freelance writer, editor and instructor in Wisconsin. I’ve led workshops for The Mill: A Place for Writers, the UntitledTown Book & Author Festival, and Wide Open Writing, a retreat organization that has brought writers to Italy, Morocco, Mexico and elsewhere. 

My creative work has appeared in literary journals such as the Pitkin Review, Midwestern Gothic, and Minerva Rising, where I’m now the Fiction Editor. My essay “Cold Front,” about the anxiety of being immunocompromised during cancer treatment while the COVID-19 pandemic ragedm appears in “(Her)oics, Women’s Lived Experiences During the Coronavirus Pandemic” (Edited by Amy Roost & Joanell Serra, Pact Press, 2021). My short story collection “Finding the Bones” was published in 2023 by Cornerstone Press.